

It is a shame, to feel so nearby someone that you have so far away, to feel that you connect with a person and you would like to have it face to give him an embrace and to listen to the sound of his laugh. I am in my room knocked down on the bed and involuntarily I smile, extract the guitar of his case, deep respite and stop thinking, start feeling, allowing that the music should speak for my. Since it is possible that two persons who are to 1600 km could understand so well? I might pass hours drawing your name and to a yellow gentleman in a leaf of paper, I might pass hours meditating this ' Christina  ' That you prove to be to me smiling.
We Are young and stupid, listen to Rihanna's song and dance as if it had not one tomorrow.
The future does not exist, I am fed up with thinking about the future, with thinking what it is nice and what it are bad, the present is the moment. I want that you say to me what you think, which you feel, I you want to see to smile once again, want that the guitar speaks for you, that with a few chords you me say everything.

-Can you tell me something who could inspire me? 
-Okay: I love you

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1 comentarios

  1. Precioso detalle de escribirla en inglés y además traducirla,me ha sorprendido lo bien que la entendí. Es preciosa, además a mi me encantaría apernder a tocar la guitarra :)
    Yo también he escrito una nueva entrada si te apetece pasate :)


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